Kelvy Vela Macusi

Birthday: January 7, 2004
Birthplace:  San Fernando, Peru
Current Location: Iquitos, Peru 
Desired Career:
Heavy machinery

Hi, my name is Kelvy, and I am 18 years old. I will tell you how I got to Kings and Queens. When I was 10 years old, I arrived at a home in Puerto Alegria. I lived in that home for abandoned boys until I was 16 years old. Then, they sent me to live at Inabif, which is another home for boys 18 years old and under. I stayed in that government home for a year and five months. I went to school and studied there. When I aged out, I wanted to continue my education, so I asked to come to this home. It was hard to leave the workers in the home because they were good to me. But I already knew many of the boys at Kings and Queens because they lived with me at the home when I was younger. They are still like brothers, so that made it easier. I really want to be a police officer. However I am also interested in being an electrician, mechanic, or barber. I will gladly stay here to receive support and have the opportunity to study and become a professional. Thank you so much. God bless you! 

Disclaimer: Please be aware that the vulnerable testimony is shared with the full permission of Kelvy, who wrote it himself.